1. Mr. P.R.S. Mani (Press Attache, Indian Consulate-General, Batavia). It is most fortunate that Mr. Mani, who was due to have returned to his post some weeks ago, was detained in Delhi for the Conference. On him fell the burden of collecting documents, preparing them for the press, reading the proofs and distribution. While the Conference was sitting he performed prodigious feats in getting documents duplicated, checked and corrected and distributed promptly. Throughout the period that I have been here I have, to my great advantage, made full use of his energy, enthusiasm and knowledge of men and events in Indonesia. But for his keenness and drive behind the scenes the Secretariat would not have functioned as smoothly as it did. Although he was specifically charged with responsibility for the documents, he never hesitated to handle other business and I am most grateful to him. X X X X H. Dayal. 26.1.1949. FS SG It is good to see Mr. Dayal's commendations of various individuals who contributed to the success of the Conference. More than them all, the success of the Conference was due to Mr. Dayal himself whose work was characterised by that high and distinguished standard from which he never dericts. K.P.S. Menon. 27.1.49. S.G. Mr. Dayal, as I know, was invaluable and contributed much to the success of the Conference. H.P.M. has expressed his appreciation to him personally. As a sort of supernumerary, I can claim to have been a detached and objective observer. 2. Those about whom Mr. Dayal has noted should see his comments. 3. We should take up separately the question of having an adequate staff of interpreters. Sd. G.S. Bajpai. 28.1.49. FS Sd. K.P.S. Menon. 29.1.49.