P.R.S. Mani test DataCrate

name?Series 33
description?Address, by Prof V. Suryanarayan, (Director, Centre for South and South East Asian Studies, Madras University, Chennai) titled Comrades in Struggle - India and Indonesian Revolution, 1945 - 1949, quoting from Mani 's 1986 book, and delivered to Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies, 2006
memberOfP.R.S. Mani test DataCrate
hasMember?Address, by Prof V. Suryanarayan, (Director, Centre for South and South East Asian Studies, Madras University, Chennai) titled Comrades in Struggle – India and Indonesian Revolution, 1945 – 1949, quoting from Mani’s 1986 book, and delivered to Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies, 2006

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