Agar, Meera; Luckett, Tim; Luscombe, Georgina; Phillips, Jane; Beattie, Elizabeth; Pond, Dimity; Mitchell, Geoffrey; Davidson, Patricia M; Cook, Janet; Brooks, Deborah; Houltram, Jennifer; Goodall, Stephen; Chenoweth, Lynnette (2017) Data files associated with the manuscript:Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: A cluster randomised clinical trial. University of Technology Sydney. Datacrate.

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name?Data files associated with the manuscript:Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: A cluster randomised clinical trial
description?Palliative care planning for nursing home residents with advanced dementia is often suboptimal. This study compared effects of facilitated case conferencing (FCC) with usual care (UC) on end-of-life care
funder?Australian Department of Health (Type: Organization)
citation?Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: A cluster randomised clinical trial (Type: ScholarlyArticle)
contactPoint?Contact Tim Luckett (Type: ContactPoint)
publisher?University of Technology Sydney (Type: Organization)
distribution? (Type: DataDownload)

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