Chambers, Deborah; Liston, Carol; Wieneke, Christine (2015) Farms to Freeways Example Dataset. Western Sydney University. Datacrate.

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A machine-readable version of this page, created at 2019-01-30T00:34:17.155Z is available CATALOG.json

name?Farms to Freeways Example Dataset
description?This data set was exported from an Omeka Repository as an example of a DataCrate. It contains the Collections and Items from the repository but does NOT have the exhibitions. The DOI resolves to an archive of the data elsewhere
publisher?Western Sydney University (Type: Thing)
distribution? (Type: DataDownload)

This file was created at 2019-01-30T00:35:11.410Z by Calcyte which implements the Draft DataCrate Packaging format, version 1.0