Zlot, Robert; Lake, Mike; Kaul, Lukas (2017) Survey of Victoria Arch, Wombeyan Caves NSW. University of Technology Sydney. Datacrate. https://dx.doi.org/10.4225/59/5a4d9b76d79f4

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A machine-readable version of this page, created at 2019-01-30T00:35:23.277Z is available CATALOG.json

name?Survey of Victoria Arch, Wombeyan Caves NSW
description?This data is part of a project by Michael Lake and supported by the Australian Speleological Federation. Data was acquired at Wombeyan Caves by Robert Zlot in January 2014 using the Zebedee 3D Mapping System developed by CSIRO.
contactPoint?Contact Mike Lake (Type: ContactPoint)
contentLocation?Victoria Arch (Type: Place)
README.txt (Type: File) --to-- wcc08_archencentre2_traj2.ply (Type: File)
wcr03_victoria_arch_9pct.ply (Type: File) --to-- README.html (Type: File)
publisher?University of Technology Sydney
distribution?https://data.research.uts.edu.au/examples/v1.0/Victoria_Arch_pub.zip (Type: DataDownload)

This file was created at 2019-01-30T00:37:06.432Z by Calcyte which implements the Draft DataCrate Packaging format, version 1.0