Cameron Neylon (2017) Dataset for IDRC Project: Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing open research strategies within development institutions. International Development Research Center. Datacrate.

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name?Dataset for IDRC Project: Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing open research strategies within development institutions
description?Data relating to the IDRC funded project (described in to examine data management policies and implementation for development funders. The project involved two parts: a review based on desk work and expert interviews and seven case studies of existing IDRC-funded projects. The case studies were supported by an Introductory Workshop in which the idea of data was examined and the issues involved in sharing discussed in detail. This was followed by an implementation phase in which the projects were supported in developing Data Management Plans. The performance against those plans was then assessed both by the participants and as part of the overall project to generate case studies that are to be published as part of the related RIO Journal Collection. The final project report will also be part of the same collection.
creator?Cameron Neylon (Type: Person)
contactPoint?Contact Cameron Neylon (Type: ContactPoint)
contributor?Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing open research strategies within development institutions (Type: Project, Organization)
publisher?International Development Research Center (Type: Organization)
distribution? (Type: DataDownload)

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